Monday, August 9, 2010

More thoughts on stuff

Sorry if I've been spending too much time delving into my thoughts on things, but as it stands, I'm having one of those points in life where I'm given a lot of time to think about what's going on in my life. Usually, I tend to bury myself in my work whenever I can, but lately I've had to force myself to take a step back to evaluate exactly what's going on in my brain, and the world around me. I don't like it, but here's the broad strokes. I'll go over specifics in my personal journal.

Every once in a while, something will cross your path that challenges the way that you think about things. I think that it's true for most anyone. As of late, another one of those "somethings" has crossed my path, and thrown me for a loop. You see, I'm the type of person who faces a challenge with pure mental toughness. I summon up every ounce of strength that my mind can command my body to have, and throw it as hard as I can until I can't move anymore, and my obstacle is nothing but dust. I'm a fighter. It's part of who I am.

Then, something came across my path that makes me wonder if I really need to fight to accomplish things in my life. Is it really necessary to stand against someone and be willing to throw down with words or fists? I'm not sure. On one side, while I was writing this I stood up for my mother and sister to some corrupt bank manager, and then afterwards contacted the main branch of his bank to get him punished. I fought him, and I won. However, what would have happened if I had just ignored him? If I didn't fight, would my life be more peaceful? I don't know, and to be honest, I'm not happy that I'm questioning it.

I hate these sorts of moments, and what's made me question it really isn't something I can discuss openly, but I need to simply get it off of my chest.

Second thing that I wanted to discuss was simply journalism in general. Part of me wonders if modern day journalists think that shrugging off the integrity that is asked of journalists is a good thing. The duty of a journalist is to report what's going on to the best of their knowledge, and in the case of editorials and such, give their opinion on a manner fairly and concisely. It seems that a few sites that I've gone to have completely given the middle finger to integrity and professionalism. The problem is that without the professionalism and integrity, the potential for well thought out articles dies, and makes way for fanwank.

I understand that some freedom comes with writing for a blog style webpage, but that doesn't excuse at type of writing that is only a half step away from a fanboy's mental masturbations. When it comes down to it, though some things are established due to a fear of change, other things are established because without them, we're nothing but barbarians. This is one thing that sickens me about today's society in general. Why are the words "intergrity," "morality," and "professionalism" dirty words? They shouldn't be.

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